Membership Info


Your membership will include everything listed below. Click on any item for more information.



Goal Setting

In part one of the Orientation you will begin to set goals. Most adults have not thought about setting goals in a very long time. We use the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting system that stands for Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Relevant – Time-bound.

Medicine Ball Warm Up/Workout

With personal training Columbus, we will teach you a great warm up that is functional in nature. We want your muscles warmed up and ready before you begin each workout.

Cardio Equipment

Have you ever joined a gym and had no clue how to use any of the equipment they had??? During Part 1 of the orientation we will show you how to use all the different cardio equipment so that you can get the best workout in that you can.

Free Motion Equipment Circuit

In part two of the orientation we will teach you about our Free Motion equipment in the weight room. Here we will help you determine a good weight to start out on with each piece of equipment.

Nutrition and Metabolism

Only about 1% of people that follow diets are successful. They are very restrictive and hard to follow. That’s why in part three of the orientation we would rather teach you about nutrition and metabolism so that you can make healthier eating choices that work for you in your life.

Nutrition Software

You will have your own login to access our nutrition software. With this software you can customize an eating plan that is designed by a certified nutritionist. You will not have to eat things that you don’t like!

Free Classes

We offer several classes to you with your membership. They range from boot camps to learning more about nutrition and even interval training. You can check the schedule on our website to see when they are offered.

Monthly Coaching Consultation

No other gym does this with personal training Columbus. We know that you need personalized attention, motivation and information. We don’t want you to feel like you have to pay to ask questions, get some fitness tips or workout ideas.


These newsletters let you know what is going on in the club each month, announcements, articles from our personal trainers, healthy recipes, and personal motivation.